Wednesday, August 29, 2007
We are back !!!
A lovely week spent people and Yacht watching !!! in Cala do'r marina.
If there is time I will post a few pictures later.
If anyone has been trying to contact us over the past 10 days and we havent returned your call please can you call again as we have had issues with our answermachine.
Well now its back to work, a huge backlog of Baby Portrait sessions awaits plus a wedding on Friday.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Diane and Matthew Pre Wedding Shoot
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Award Update
We have won a merit award in the Fujifilm Envisage Awards.
The winning image is of Natalie and Adam, a young couple we photographed a few weeks ago.
Winning the award is a great acheivement as these awards are not given out lightly.
The image will now go forward to the final judging in December for the coveted Envisage Photographer of The Year.
Fingers crossed.
Just call us and mention the blog.
Your photograph could be next months winner and you could win £1000.
Call or email us Now!!
Jamie and Rachael Pre Wedding Shoot
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Uncle Frank !!!
Good ol' uncle Frank.
He just bought one of those new-fangled fancy digital cameras. He's always liked photography, and now he's got a camera just like the pro's use. Why don't we just let Uncle Frank take the pictures at our wedding? I'm sure they'll turn out good. I've seen some of the other pictures Uncle Frank has taken. Remember the shots he got at the New Year's party? OK, so Uncle Frank had a little too much to drink... but the pictures still turned out OK. Didn't they? We don't really need a professional, do we?
Hopefully, you enjoyed the little bit of sarcasm in this blog entry. Actually, that is one of the biggest excuses I hear about why people don't want to hire a professional photographer, whether it's for their wedding, or just their latest family portrait. What is the difference between Uncle Frank and a professional photographer any way?
Well, for one thing (and this will seem nit-picky at first), Uncle Frank "takes pictures." A professional photographer creates portraits.
Uncle Frank (hereafter referred to as UF) will sit everyone down, or have them all stand up, side by side, have them look into the camera, say "Cheese," and... *snap*... there's your family photo at your daughter's wedding.
A pro has studied lighting, posing, and the technical aspects of his camera. He knows how to place his subjects in the light to achieve the most flattering look for that person. He also knows how to pose the subject so as to remove weight in the photo, or add weight if it's necessary. If the subject has one eye smaller than the other, he knows how to compensate for it and make the face look balanced. He knows how to place all of the subjects in the frame so that the composition is pleasing to look at. He knows how to adjust his camera to make certain aspects in the frame become more or less pronounced in the photo and, more importantly, WHY that should be done.
These are just a FEW of the reasons. Hey, is UF a member of the Master Photographrs Association? Does UF spend days and weeks studying the craft of photography so he can keep getting better and better? Probably not.
So, the next time you're tempted to let an uncle, cousin, best friend, or someone else create the images of you that you want to show to everyone else, think about the fact that a professional photographer does what he does to make you look your absolute best. Will Frank do that? Just a thought.
Thanks for reading.Mark
Exciting News !!!
We recently entered a national competition and they tell us we have won a prize !!!
I will post more when I know more details.
Martin and Gemma
Well heres the Wedding. They were married at Moulton Church with the reception next door in the village hall (very handy).
Even the weather was kind, it rained before the service but stopped in time for the photographs afterwards.
Yes that is Martin and the lads enjoying a round of golf on the morning of the wedding, well 7am to be precise in the pouring rain !!!!
Thanks lads I owe you one :)